8:30 AM breakfast meeting at the hotel. Today is a free day, a break from our daily routine a day to do as we please.
WE received word that an important church official was to arrive in Delores, and that a parade and celebration would take place around the plaza in front of the church. We all opted to observe the event which was intriguing, brief (the wait was longer than the event.
Now the day was ours. Mist of us went our separate ways to enjoy the aroused city in our own manner. It seems that Sunday is the day for all activity to ride from the daily mechanics and burst into a conglomeration of sights; sounds; smells; and family activity. I relished my presence here.
At 7:00 PM Carl rejoined our group for the evening meal at trip to t eh Pollo Sabroso Restaurant, an impressive establishment that is out of the ordinary for the area, and only open on the weekends, proved to be totally delightful experience, and well worth the wait. We ended the night by listening to some music in the town square.
THOUGTH FOR THE DAY: Never underestimate the power of common courtesy.
Larry Hess