Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 10

We were all up bright and early for breakfast at 7 AM so Team I, Ofra, and Toni could leave at 7:30 for the trip to Victoria. Unfortunately, due to a communication error, they did not get underway until after 8:00.

The rest of us went to our classes at UTNG starting after 10:00. One of the topics of the classes was the weather---vocabulary and expressions.

Teams II and III had a Spanish class with Rosalie. We learned some common Spanish expressions such as " Buen Provecho " which Mexicans often use in place of "Buen Apetito". When Rosalie learned that some of us were planning to go to San Miguel on the weekend, she gave us her telephone number there and said to call her and she would be happy to show us her Mexican home.

After lunch, Jesse, Emily, Gail, and Karen took a taxi to visit the mausoleum of Rey Jose Alfredo Jiminez. The driver played his music for us on the return trip. Churches were also visited and others checked out pottery shops.

For the volunteers who went to Victoria, they were assigned groups of three to six students. They helped their groups in putting on a skit. They coached them in pronunciation of the dialog, memorizing, and acting out the situations. After the skits were presented, the students taught the volunteers a Spanish song and the volunteers taught the volunteers the students an American song, the most popular one being "The Hokey Pokey".

After lunch, local artisans visited the school and there was an opportunity to purchase items such as embroidered work, straw baskets, and bags. The volunteers were then taken on a tour of downtown Victoria.

The day ended with volunteers talking to people from the school, be the person working in the Registrar's office or the janitor.

In the evening we all gathered together again at the restaurant "Pollo Sobrusco" for the evening meal.

Submitted by Gail Feagins


A woman of courage enters a room and everyone is put at ease. There is something appealing in the way she walks and in the way she holds herself.

Submitted by Brenda