Friday, February 15, 2008

Journal Entry #12 – Thursday, February 15, 2008

Morning comes early in the tropics – or maybe it just seems that way when you get up at 05:30. In spite of it all, we made it in time for our 07:00 class.

We got a break in the morning, though. The students were celebrating Valentine’s Day. They are not alone, the adult population here makes a lot more of Valentine’s than we do in the States. The students were wearing costumes – some quite ornate and the set up little ‘Tiendas’ selling impressive items like bolsas, stuffed hearts, and food. Which I passed up because of my Moc’s revenge. The celebration meant that we taught one fewer class that day – but we still remember the 05:30 start.

After dinner and a siesta, we went to Miguelito’s. A very nice restaurant in an old classical building.

We also invited Esperanza and Dahlia. A quartet of accordion, guitar, guitaron, and tom toms played traditional and current songs. Our end of the table helped them by singing. I was a very mellow feeling and I found it easy to say ‘yes’ to my playing the violin Friday 2/16.

We walked back to the Senorial close to midnight and went to sleep with the sounds of music in our heads.

Thought of the Day: Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.