Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Journal Entry #9 – Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The dawn patrol assembled at 06:30 hours – 2 absentees were recovered in time for morning briefing. The “Intrepids” of earlier have morphed into “hardened campaigners” with stoic acceptance of caffeine deprivation and non-traditional catering. The team have now fully developed their individual strategies to augment and complement their sometime sketchy assigned projects and doing it extremely well. Medals may be awarded!!

Many of us have been struck by the rapid growth of the QRO economy and how the benefits are being put back into the city. (i.e. buying overhead wiring, repairing infrastructure etc.) There is a district sense of optimism which leads students to see their future here other than the US. Indeed only 2 of the very many students I have met, expressed any interest in going to the US: one wanted to be a film star in Hollywood and the a poker player in Las Vegas. Allowing that their aspirations may be ‘slightly’ ambitious, it is encouraging that so many, many, other nice young people are confident in the continued development of their home city.

After another day of tiring but rewarding support the team returned to Base Camp for lunch.

The fully rested and refreshed team, led by our Commanding Officer Carl, marched to be more accurate strolled in a distinctly unmilitary fashion) to two blocks for dinner at the Fin de Siglo restaurant. Minnesota Bill’s personal language trainer, Mauritzio, was not on duty but Lorenzo looked after us well.

Nice evening – Parade dismissed 20:15 hours.