Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shakers and Movers

Increasingly as the week progressed, I believe the group could be labeled the "shakers and movers." Some of us have moved multiple times within the hotel. We are moving about the campus and central Querétaro freely--not fearing being lost or feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings. Our shaking? Last evening there was some booty shaking in the clubs as several of our members went dancing. Others of us have been shaking as we cough, as we wretch--okay, some of us had to deal with some travelers sickness. The campus infirmary has become our friend and the doctor our buddy.

As the week has progressed, we have been shaken and moved by the students who have touched our lives. We have shared our native language skills and we have bonded with the students. At meal time we share our wonderful anecdotes of our successes and our frustrations.

How quickly these days have passed as the first week draws to a close. Tomorrow some of us will move on, whether returning home or continuing travel. However, there will not be good-byes, only "Hasta la vista y vaya con Dios."

Thought for the Day:

We are not victims of our circumstances--we are the creators.

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


"Be the change you want to see in the world."
--Mahatma Gandhi